Live Stream Library

51 Resources 8: Restoring the Mercy Portal

Cleansing the Mercy portal of inappropriate sexual events, can be complex.  Here is a roadmap.  Original record date was July 6, 2024.

This is a studio recorded video - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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52 Resources 7: Building a Warfare Tool

Here is a seven-point strategy for developing a spiritual warfare tool when you face some obstacle that is beyond your current tool kit. Original record date was October 13, 2022.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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53 FV 6: Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don’t

Some people can’t win.  No matter how they position themselves, they are condemned.  There are some spiritual roots for this.  Original air date was April 8, 2022.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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54 FV 5: The Giver Gift and Control

The Giver gift is designed to control but they usually control the wrong things the wrong way.  This teaching illustrates righteous control.  Original air date was March 31, 2022.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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55 FV 4: Preparing Children for Disaster

What can you do to prepare children for a culture that is deteriorating rapidly?  Here are some strategies parents can embrace NOW.  Original air date was March 6, 2022.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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56 FV 3: Structures of Space

This is a sequel to Structures of Time and is designed to strip you of structures that divert you from your ordained journey. Original air date was February 15, 2022.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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57 FV 2: Structures of Time

We are called to serve God and synchronize with Him, but the culture and the devil create structures in us that hamper that.  Original air date was January 19, 2022.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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58 FV 1: Aftermarket Spiritual Structures

This is a ministry session on how to remove five kinds of ungodly spiritual structures in your body, that hamper your growth.  Original air date was January 13, 2022.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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59 Resources 1: Authority over the Queen of Heaven

The Queen of Heaven operates in the realm of deception, attacking us and our perspective and integrity.  Here are fresh tools to push back on her evil.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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60 Resources 2: Authority over the Antichrist Spirit

The Antichrist agenda is everywhere. Overcoming it for yourself is a small step. This teaching explores how to grow in authority to block it widely.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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61 Resources 3: Perspective on Coronavirus

Arthur will explore some spiritual frameworks to help us understand the coronavirus and respond wisely. We will conclude with Holy Communion and warfare.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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62 Resources 4: Coronavirus & Office of Priesthood

Moses twice defied God regarding epidemics and won both times. It is important to know the principles that govern our priestly office of intercession.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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63 Resources 5: Miracle or Design?

Deborah and Esther each lacked critical resources. Deborah won through a miracle. Esther through design. This live stream explores both approaches. Original air date was January 12, 2021.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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64 Resources 6: He Missed the Free Money

Hezekiah saw trouble coming and prepared in three great ways. He missed two important items, even though he had the resources to fix them. Original air date was February 9, 2021.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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65 Defiance 1: Evicting Lilith

Lilith is a demonic entity that is focused on destroying relationships between men and woman.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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66 Defiance 2: Deadly Jealousy

Jealousy is not just a human emotion. When a human feels jealousy, the demonic can partner with that jealousy to turn it from an irritation into a lethal weapon.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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67 Defiance 3: Marriage

A marriage may have difficulties because of problems in either the soul or spirit. This video explores five little known doors of entry for spiritual distance and dissonance in a marriage.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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68 Defiance 4: False Prophets

Some prophecies are simply false. Others are toxic. This video explores how to tell the difference between the two and what to do about defilement from toxic prophets.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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69 Defiance 5: Community

We commonly experience injustice at work. This video allows you to analyze the nature of the injustice so that your strategy is wise and effective.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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70 Freedom 1: Fractals of Ten

This is an introduction to the Fractal of ten, a new teaching.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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71 Freedom 2: Transitions

This teaching helps us see the spiritual structures that are inside the visible structures.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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72 Freedom 3: Gender Issues

The fractal of two is a foundation of all life. Every living thing is either benefited or damaged by how the fractal of two is in alignment.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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73 Freedom 4: Injustice at Work

When you are hated at work for your faith, you have to deal with both the demons and the humans. This video models the different strategies.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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74 Freedom 5: Air Structures

The pentagram is a wildly used dark structure. We as believer are to build righteous structures in the air.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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75 Release 1: Luciferian Time

Lucifer seeks to “hack” the time line that God designed for us so he can introduce a “virus” that makes us ineffective when we use God’s principles.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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76 Release 2: Teflon® Critters

If neither deliverance nor the principles seem to work for you, you may have been captured by an Antichrist spirit, often through no fault of your own.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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78 Release 3: Principles Not Working

Christianity obviously works better for some Christians than others. Sometimes the Iron Law of the antichrist spirit blocks Christians from receiving blessings they should have.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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79 Weather 1: A Secret Covenant

There appears to be a spiritual covenant hidden inside the Paris Agreement which may be contributing to the hurricanes in the US.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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80 Wholeness 1: Brain Structures

Demons are a well-known cause for spiritual blockage. Less well known are spiritual structures. This video explores the nature of structures and how to resolve them.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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81 Wholeness 2: Defiling Dreams

There are dreams that produce terror and dreams that change the shape of the environment. This video explores the roots and a warfare strategy for each.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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82 Wholeness 3: Vicarious Bondage

Do you consistently get blamed for situations you did not cause? You might be experiencing vicarious bondage. This video explains the roots of the problem.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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83 Wholeness 4: Leviathan's Door

Leviathan is different from demons. This video gives you diagnostic tools and strategies for extracting a recalcitrant Leviathan.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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84 Wholeness 5: Restoring DNA

We are spirit, soul and body. Arthur presents a model suggesting that our spiritual activity can compromise our healing our DNA.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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85 LAC 1: The First Domino

The Church is currently undergoing the single largest change in structure of its entire history. This teaching explores the sequence of change and the purpose.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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86 LAC 2: Clarity and Community

Sometimes it is harder for Christians to form community than non-Christians. Here is some insight into that dynamic and some tools for change.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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87 LAC 3: Identifying the Trends

When we think of government, we default to structures because of our culture. The Government of God is founded on moral authority before structures.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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88 LAC 5: Moral Authority

When you have moral authority people will follow you without your using force or coercion? This is true leadership and is God’s standard for us today.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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89 LAC 6: Government of God: Wilderness

The second step in establishing the Government of God is to build transformational projects in the barren places with supernatural resources.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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90 LAC 8: Building Authentic Community

Community doesn’t just happen. It has to be built with specific skills. Here are tools for intentionally crafting a customized community.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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91 LAC 9: Community Without Church

Intimacy is the critical fuel for Kingdom work during the Mercy Season. To have intimacy you need to have a highly functional community.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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92 LAC 10: The Blessing of Presence

Blessing of Presence is illustrated by people being healed when Peter’s shadow fell on them. This video explores how we can grow in that kind of power.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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93 LAC 11: Mercy Season Intercession

Intercession has changed from the Ruler Season to the Mercy Season. This video explores the relationship between power and intimacy in the Mercy Season.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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94 LAC 12: Defining the Harvest

2017 was designed by God to be a harvest year for SLG. This video explores the objective and obstacles to harvesting for each of the Redemptive Gifts.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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95 LAC 13: New Year's Eve 2017

SLG is transitioning from the second to their third season. This requires a change of focus and a change of values to support the new objective.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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96 LAC 14: Got Predators Warfare Video

Predators are human beings who are controlled by demons in order to hurt other human beings. This video gives you strategy for pushing back against the demons.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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97 LAC 15: Destroying Structures

Spiritual structures in your body can contribute to nightmares and possibly to sexual addictions. This video gives tools for release of ungodly structures.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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98 LAC 16: New Year's Eve Celebration 2018

This is our annual family time broadcast where we savor the previous year and lean into the treasures of the coming year.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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99 LAC 17: A Father vs. an Elder

Our American secular culture does not include the concept of an elder, other than through age. This is a teaching on the spiritual role of an actual elder.

This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".

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