Intimacy is the critical fuel for Kingdom work during the Mercy Season. To have intimacy you need to have a highly functional community.
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For many people the strongest component of their church experience was the community. When God called them out of the institutional church there was not a community that they could easily plug into.
We generally are born into community or placed into a community like in a class at school or hired into the community of a workplace. It is a very different skill to intentionally build a community that brings us to the point of intimacy AND gets the job done.
Realistically there are many people who we cannot effectively include in the inside circle of our community. Their values are different, or their woundedness is still too acute. They can neither do intimacy nor task.
This teaching will give you a useful grid for identifying and engaging with people who you will ultimately build community with, but it is based on skilled risk taking, when you cannot yet trust the other person.
The ultimate objective is intimacy based on trust, but the journey there begins with risk when there is no trust.
The Holy Communion service looked extensively at trust through the grid of Jesus’ journey here on earth.
His finest triumph was returning His spirit to intimacy with the Father after the tragedy of feeling abandoned.