Contact Us

We communicate!


An actual person responds with personal attention.  No form letters at all.

If you have questions about a product or shipment, write  You will get a very fast response.

All other queries go to

We answer about 99% of the personal e-mails we receive.  The other one percent are too mean, are mass-forwarded prophetic words or are anonymous.  They get deleted.

Depending on the other things happening, it might be up to two weeks before you get an answer.  But you will get a personal answer from someone on the team.

We are a very mobile group, but there is often someone in the office Monday to Friday from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Eastern time.  Our office number is 864-913-1311.  Real people answer the phone when we are here.  We have no voice mail.

We can't accommodate drop in visitors, and we don't sell products over the counter here.

And it doesn't have to be a question.  If you have a glory story about something God is doing in your life, we would love to celebrate with you.

