2017 was designed by God to be a harvest year for SLG. This video explores the objective and obstacles to harvesting for each of the Redemptive Gifts.
This is a recording of a Live Stream Video Broadcast - cost includes 428 days of access after purchase date and can be viewed from your SLG account in "My Streams".
2017 is long past, but the principles regarding what each Gift should harvest are timeless principles. When we are pursuing a harvest God did not design us to have, we will only be frustrated.
Arthur begins by looking at individuals who have sowed diligently and extravagantly but not seen the harvest they should expect. He looked at some of the ways the enemy blocks the harvest.
The heart of the teaching is looking at each of the Redemptive Gifts through the grid of what they should harvest, using biblical examples for each one.
The Holy Communion service is centered around Jesus embracing His design. He is Redemptive Gift of Exhorter and He experienced great rejection of His design and calling from many sectors of the culture. Even though the community despised Him and His gift, He remained true to His design and valued His gift when nobody else did.
This is a powerful artform.