Hezekiah saw trouble coming and prepared in three great ways. He missed two important items, even though he had the resources to fix them. Original air date was February 9, 2021.
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Assyria was a given in the international scene Hezekiah inherited. It was only a question of when they would invade. Hezekiah decided to prepare to resist rather than surrender. He had years to hone his strategy.
He prepared the nation spiritually on an unprecedented level, and it ended up being the critical issue. He prepared reasonably on the military side. And he dug the aqueduct in order to insure the priceless resource of water during a siege.
He failed to address two issues. One did not seem to impact the crisis. The other was a deal breaker. It cost him savagely when Sennacherib came, which was tragic because he had the time and the resources to have resolved that issue ahead of time.
He just didn’t see it as critical.
This is a teaching designed to help you assess your own journey of preparation for the big event in your life.