We are called to serve God and synchronize with Him, but the culture and the devil create structures in us that hamper that. Original air date was January 19, 2022.
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From early childhood we are pressured to synchronize to the adults in our world. Then comes school, sports, clubs, church, and eventually your job. All demand that you subordinate your time to their demands.
For the most part, that is simply an innocuous part of the culture, and when you shed one school, you shed the schedule demands of that school and go on.
That is not the case when there is an evil spiritual force behind the demands. You can easily think of that teacher, that coach, that boss who was relentlessly demanding, in a way that was designed to victimize you.
You may leave that person – and hopefully you already have – but the spiritual structures created by those demands can remain operative in you.
Then there is the whole spectrum of your disobedience to God’s timing. Some of those choices establish spiritual structures that remain.
But it is not all bad. This ministry session is designed ultimately to establish God’s chronometer as dominant in your life which should have direct benefit to your body’s health, not to mention spirit and soul.
There will be a brief teaching, an extensive ministry time, then selective discussion at the end to dial in some of the ideas a little tighter.