Nurturing your Children


So you have sailed through the nine months and childbirth and brought your little bundle of joy home with you.  The pediatrician has a set of benchmarks for physical development and every time you go, your legitimacy as a “good mother” is on the line as you are interrogated and kiddo is measured and compared to the grand national average.

All the while, the great classic milestones like “spitting creamed spinach farther than the social distancing metric” are broadly ignored by your pediatrician who does not have to mop your kitchen floor.

There is more to nurturing a child than observing the biometric charts.  Your child is, after all, spirit, soul and body and all three need nurture.

Our resources are most certainly not comprehensive.  But we do have some unusual specialty products designed to fill little niches that are broadly overlooked by the culture.

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Blessing Intensity divider

Blessing Intensity


Intense kids (and adults) are usually labeled very early on as problematic.  And once the stigmatizing labels are in place, they direct the kids’ intensity into unproductive pathways.

This is a detailed study of a lot of very intense people in Scripture.  You parents should immerse yourselves in these stories so that you can see the wide variety of different applications of totally legitimate intensity in the culture and in the Kingdom of God.

Once you are armed with those tools, you can language the upside and the downside of their intensity, to the children, without condemning them for being the way God made them to be.

Blessing Intensity
Free Audio

Click here to download

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Deliverance for Children divider

Deliverance for Children


Healers shouldn’t damage you and deliverance ministers shouldn’t leave you needing healing.  But more and more deliverance work is either ineffective or traumatic and this is just wrong, wrong, wrong.

This audio file is designed to be a non-customized, blanket, deliverance package.  I threw everything in there from soup to nuts.  But it is done with a very generic vocabulary (lots of euphemisms which God and the devil certainly understand) and with a calm, almost monotone voice.

The strategy is to play it at night, through earbuds, on the nightstand next to the child.  Put it on autorepeat and play it nightly for 30 days.  That gentle shower is non-traumatic, unlike some deliverance that is done with a hammer and chisel.

Obviously, it would be beneficial for everyone in the family ─ including parents ─ since I cover some esoteric facets of deliverance I don’t hear mentioned elsewhere.

Download (26 tracks)
Price: $40

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Developing Discernment divider

Developing Discernment


I believe that each human being was crafted by God with a specific capacity to interface with the spiritual realm around them.

This album was designed to heal in adults, the damage done to our spiritual discernment when we were children.

It can also be used by wise parents to identify the kinds of discernment that each child has and to partner with them in unpacking it and using it skillfully in community.

Developing Discernment
Free Audio

Click here to download

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Life Giving divider

Life Giving


Every culture has economic parasites and emotional parasites.  We broadly don’t want our kids to be either, so we teach them to work, and scold them for not being able to manage their emotions well.

But that only gets them out of negative numbers.  What about being life giving in the community, as children or as adults?

This set of simple lessons can help kids identify a spectrum of different ways to be life giving.  Introduce an idea during meal times and then work as a family to practice seizing the moment in the natural flow of life.

Most adults desire to be life giving but are quite limited in their skill set because it was not actively discussed as a part of their growing-up culture.

Life Giving
Free Articles

Click here to read

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An MRI of Fathering divider

An MRI of Fathering


We see a sequence of seven social skills that a child is supposed to learn in the home.  This album is set in the context of a human resources department dealing with adults who did not learn those lessons in childhood, but a competent parent could draw the principles out and build them into a child’s sequence of development, intentionally.

Download (two CDs)
Price: $12

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The New Spiritual Authority: Intimacy divider

The New Spiritual Authority: Intimacy


Belongingness, worth and competence are three legs in the tripod of your soul’s groundedness.  The culture will generally work hard to make you one-legged: competent.

While you may be competent in the marketplace, being a one-legged tripod leaves you very ungrounded.

This album was developed in the context of healing an adult, but it shows how each leg is supposed to be developed in the process of normal childhood.

The New Spiritual Authority: Intimacy
Free Audio

Click here to download

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Office of Personhood divider

Office of Personhood


Social benchmarks (playing together well) measure external behavior in the culture.  Not a bad thing.  But the external behavior flows from what is happening inside.

We have found the four offices of personhood, son/daughter, man/woman and husband/wife to be valuable grids to measure the proper building of the internal dynamics that will allow us to thrive in community.

These are some of the easiest parts of parenting, yet if we don’t understand the dynamics, we can’t seize the naturally occurring moments in order to leverage them.

If you only get one product out of all this series, I think this one will give you the most “bang for your buck” in terms of parenting effort.

Download (six CDs)
Price: $36

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Pure Joy! divider

Pure Joy!


This book was written by a mother, for mothers of young children.  While it is ostensibly a book of blessings, there is much wisdom and humor about the ups and downs of ordinary life as a mother of youngsters.

This is an book.
Price: $10

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The Redemptive Gifts of Individuals divider

The Redemptive Gifts of Individuals


One size fits all, DOESN’T.

Each of your children has one of these seven gifts and it is the template for their personality.  Understanding what treasures God has placed in each child, facilitates your partnering with God in unpacking those treasures.

Download (eight CDs)
Price: $40

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Shame to Dignity divider

Shame to Dignity


Your child WILL encounter shame, more than once, in their journey through life! Guaranteed.

The culture has a wide variety of useless tools for dealing with shame, most especially wallpapering over it with honor.

The art form of using dignity as THE God-ordained tool to heal shame, should be taught to a child sooner rather than later in life.

Download (five CDs)
Price: $30

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Slavery to Sonship divider

Slavery to Sonship


In Paul’s letter to the Galatians, he makes a strong point about children having the spirit of slavery in them.  They have parents (or in his model, teachers/mentors) who grow the child from a slavery mindset to walking in sonship.

This set of videos walks you through one of the most extensive passages in Scripture dealing with God intentionally growing a community from a deep spirit of slavery into a spirit of sonship.

The principles are highly adaptive to individual parenting.

Slavery to Sonship Playlist
Free Video

Click here to watch