Dignity, not honor, is the primary tool for healing shame in the spirit and soul. This album gives you tools for dealing with old, well entrenched infections.
This is a downloadable album of five CDs.
Shame is one of the most viral tools the devil uses against us. It is nearly impossible for shame to remain a solitary problem. It empowers a staggering number of subsidiary problems, warping our spirit, soul, body, relationships on earth and capacity to earn a living.
Tragically, many therapists and many people who suffer from shame attempt to use honor as the tool to heal. Honor simply does not impact shame. It is like putting a shirt on over your chicken pox. It doesn’t change the reality of your discomfort under the shirt.
Dignity is the primary tool for healing shame at all levels.
This album shows you a number of methods for using dignity as a pathway out of the swamp of shame. It is designed for home use, although a therapist could easily use it in the office as well.
This album was released in 2015.
This is a downloadable album of five CDs.