You ARE a person, but are you in the OFFICE of Personhood? How would you know? What if you are not? Can you get there as an adult? Yes you can.
This is a downloadable album of six CDs.
The marketplace often makes you a commodity, not a person, through the hiring process. You are hired because your skill set could bring value to the company. And when you cease to bring value, you are discarded.
This is called commoditization.
But it begins long before the marketplace. Usually by the end of your fifth year of life, you are fairly well established as a person or as a commodity. Your role in the community of the birth family is established casually through a hundred thousand small interactions.
Ironically, the “better” you are, the more value you bring to the community, the more apt you are to become a commodity. The cute little girl becomes a showpiece for the family, bringing honor to the family in the eyes of the community. The precocious child who can read before going to kindergarten also becomes a commodity.
When a child is commoditized, instead of being placed in the office of personhood, it will cripple their ability to enter the next three sequential offices – son/daughter, man/woman, husband/wife.
While the problem is widespread and the consequences profound, it is quite possible to heal this problem in adulthood.
This album does a thorough diagnosis of the problem and provides an equally thorough game plan for you to enter each of the designated offices.
This album was released in 2015.
This is a downloadable album of six CDs.