Inner Healing
When you were two and your fell off your trike, you ran to Mommy howling, she kissed it and made it all well.
When you are 32 and just divorced a man with significant unresolved issues, and are facing life with three damaged children, inner healing takes more than a kiss from Mommy.
Soul and spirit wounds have a wide variety of flavors, which means that as we go through life, we cannot expect one or two tools to solve all our issues.
There are many ministries that have comprehensive inner healing packages. This is NOT one of them.
These are specialty tools to fill in around the edges of a bigger strategy for your life.

Blessings of Job

The biggest area of inner healing for all humanity is figuring out how to relate to God when He is mystifyingly incomprehensible.
This album explores the interaction between God and Job that brought some resolution for him.
Whether your trauma is large or small, deeply intimate or massively public, this set of blessings can be a strategic part of resetting your relationship with a God you thought you knew well, but who behaved in a totally different way than you were taught that He would.
Blessings of Job
Free Audio

Blessing Your End of Life

Inner healing for fear of death?
God has designed us to have three great transitions. We come from heaven to earth, in an event that is shrouded in mystery and largely not discussed in most circles.
We transition from inside to outside Mom in an event that is a cacophony of hope, joy, fear and pain.
And we transition from earth back to heaven in an event that is culturally impregnated with fear or dread, and avoided in polite conversation as much as possible.
So if you are not in hospice currently, you are probably not discussing your third transition with anyone, very often. AND you are carrying a load of cultural emotional rubbish that you have picked up one conversation at a time, over the years.
Why not face it head on, adult style?
Odds are very high you ARE going to make that transition!
Why not address the emotional baggage that did not come from the heart of God, NOW instead of doing some last-minute scramble while staring the event in the face?
Download (six CDs)
Price: $30

Brain Rot

Ever watched someone do the unthinkable? We all have.
Ever been that person? Ever looked back on the person you were and wondered what on earth you were thinking when you did THAT?!
Welcome to the human race.
When we think we are thinking clearly and in fact are thinking ourselves into a devouring downward spiral, we call that Brain Rot.
All of us have it to some degree, in some areas of our life.
This teaching shows you how you got there, without knowing it, and much more important, how to get out.
It is NOT the result of a ministry session to release you from some bondage. It is the fruit of a deliberately embraced lifestyle choice that you build into your cadence until it is baked in.
Brain Rot
Free Video

Developing Discernment

Johnny is three years old. You put him to bed with hugs and kisses and prayers and blessings.
In five minutes, he is out of bed complaining about monsters under the bed.
You spank him, or scold him, or shame him, or threaten him and send him back to bed.
What if he has the gift of visual spiritual discernment, and you just helped drive that gift to the back, rendering it unusable for the rest of his life?
I believe we are all born with one or more of several kinds of spiritual discernment. And, by definition, what we discern with our spirit, cannot be validated by our souls. And since we are a soul/intellect driven Western culture, we stomp on the spiritual discernment of our kiddos until they learn to shut it off – and grow up to be spiritually crippled adults, like their parents.
This album not only helps you discover what your natural design for spiritual discernment is, it also has prayers and tools for healing the childhood junk that caused you to shut it down.
Developing Discernment
Free Audio

Healing Blessings

What needs to be healed in your life?
Did you mention beauty?
Why not?
For the same reason you don’t think about your fingernail polish after you have been in a major car accident. The bigger pain shouts more loudly.
So, I get it. Triage. You prioritize dealing with different facets of your injuries. Rightly so.
But when the life-threatening crisis is over and you have been stabilized, this set of videos will explore some of the peripheral facets of life that might have gotten broken, and need to be addressed, for your long- term wellbeing.
Healing Blessings Playlist
Free Video

Shame to Dignity

You are not going to get out of this life without facing shame.
And shame is a lot like a burn – easily infected.
The default treatment for shame is honor. And it just doesn’t work.
God’s strategy for healing shame is dignity.
And it DOES work.
So when you have dealt with the core issue in your major wounds, come back to this album to be sure all of the residual infection of shame has been perfectly washed away.
Download (five CDs)
Price: $30

Strategies for DID Part 1

So you don’t know what DID stands for?
I am thrilled for you. Good news indeed.
But for those of you who know Dissociative Identity Disorder altogether too well, we have three albums on the subject.
I have a militant posture: the 3rd generation model of treating DID is causing as much harm as good.
I have championed the 4th generation model where the human spirit leads the way in healing the broken soul, rather than the intellect of the therapist trying to heal your soul.
My model is unabashedly, radically different from the mainstream.
It works, too.
There are three albums. Dig in!
Strategies for DID Part 1
Free Audio

The New Spiritual Authority: Intimacy

Imagine being born with a couple of fingers missing.
The missing fingers don’t hurt!
The same is true for missing pieces of our identity. Going through life might hurt because we are short changed, but the missing piece doesn’t hurt, so you often are not going to seek “inner healing” for what doesn’t hurt because it isn’t there!
But even though it doesn’t hurt, it will hurt you overall, if it is not there.
You were designed by God to have a sensation of belongingness (a reflection of God the Father’s hand in your life), a sensation of worth (the result of Jesus’ involvement in your life) and a strong sense of competence (compliments of the Holy Spirit).
If any of these three legs to the tripod are missing . . .
You need inner healing, even though the missing legs don’t hurt!
The New Spiritual Authority: Intimacy
Free Audio

Healing Womanhood

A woman who needs inner healing is very different from healing womanhood.
And in our increasingly misogynistic culture, the essence of womanhood desperately needs to be addressed and healed in most women.
This is partially a teaching album about the heart of God toward womanhood, but much more, a healing tool to restore women into the office of womanhood with dignity, after the culture has shredded it.
Download (four CDs)
Price: $28

Blessing Womanhood

After healing womanhood, it is important to bless your womanhood so that the office of woman becomes robust and vibrant in a non-supportive culture.
If you are a woman, scanning these blessings derived from Biblical women will help reveal the dry spots in your essence.
If you are a father or husband, these blessings can serve as grist for the mill to help you craft your own blessings for the womanhood of the girls and women in your life.
You will run across very few accidental blessings on womanhood in your life. You will have to be proactive in order to grow your womanhood into its full manifestation and majesty.
Download (six CDs)
Price: $42