Strategies for DID Part 1


Today, about 40% of the pain-emails I receive are about damage done by the inner healing community.  What is tragic is that much of the damage is done without the practitioner even understanding what they did that was hurtful.  Beyond that is the travesty of ministry leaders who are defiant and hostile when confronted with the damage they have caused.
The inner healing movement has grown very fast and is in an awkward teenage phase where much good happens as well as some unfortunate damage being caused.
Arthur started this series on dealing with DID, as an attempt to neaten up a messy field.  In addition to sharing from his own journey with DID, there are many technical tools here such as how to build needed neurological networks, but the main point of this foundational album is to redefine the whole inner healing paradigm.
The first two sessions in this album are devoted to the therapists.  The following three are for the clients.

This album was released in 2018.


Click on the links below to download the audio clip.  You will be prompted to save the file on your computer.  Once you have saved the file you may play it in a media player.