Spiritual Lurches Strike Force

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One day, Moses was an 80 year old has-been, chasing hungry sheep around the desert for his employer.  Two weeks later, he is the Prophet of God getting in Pharaoh's face and mediating the power of God against all the demons of Egypt.


One morning, Joseph is in political prison due to a cougar.  That afternoon he is the Prime Minister of a powerful nation.


One day Naomi is on welfare.  A week later, she is a 1 percenter.


One day starvation from the siege is so bad, mothers are practicing cannibalism and the king wants to kill Elisha.  The next day, there is such abundant food, there is epic deflation in the city's economy and Elisha is the hero.


God does LURCHES.

And when He does, it leaves a profound imprint on the spirit of someone who has been the recipient of that expression of the power of God inside them, or in the environment around them, or in a friend they care about.

It is called faith.

Most individuals have been drawn to God through a process, over time, with an abundance of small steps, as He has courted them.

All good.  And that seems to be the norm.

But when God opts for the LURCH, as His tool for initial relationship (Saul of Tarsus) or for some point of progress in a person's life (The Shunammite Woman), He is planning ahead.

The endgame is someone who has the faith to believe bigger things.  How can you NOT believe enormously, when YOU have personally met the Infinite God in a larger-than-life way?

How big a lurch does God want to create at the Blessing Your Heart Part 1 seminar?


How much anointing does God want to embed in the album?  Like Paul, who sent a handkerchief to the next town and healed people, so people are healed through listening to the album ten years from now?

Or like Peter, where people were healed by his shadow?  What would that look like in cyberspace?  What if God juiced the album so much, that people just doing a fly-by on the website, without buying or listening to the album, were healed?

Or something new and bigger?

What does God want to do?


Columbus has been called the heart of Ohio.  Is it really?  I don't know.  Is God wanting to do something in the land/city/state by having that teaching presented there?


Or does God want to draw some treasure from the land to imbue the event and the recording with even more life?


We are not going to worry about where and how God plays that Scrabble letter.

Copyright by Arthur Burk
March 2023

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Prayer Strategies

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Strategy #1

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Quite obviously, our whole purpose in having this seminar is to produce a lot of spiritual lurches in people’s lives.

And equally obviously, the devil is thoroughly committed to having a lot of people leave deeply disappointed.

So, your strike force will be designed to create the constructs that most facilitate the Holy Spirit breaking through.

With that in mind, please spend the next couple of weeks meditating on as many of your lurches as you can pull up.

Explore in detail what preceded the lurches in order to make them possible.

     -Was it good times or tragedy?

     -Was the Word alive or flat leading up to it?

     -Did you sense something coming, or were you ambushed?

     -What was it about that final moment when things broke free that was so strategic?

Explore in every way, the factors that contributed to the lurch, just to have the ways of God firmly in mind, as we go forward.

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Strategy #2

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For this next season, please ponder the Exodus.

Pain.  Promise from God via Moses.  Miracles.  Disaster in the brickyard that massively disrupted their whole lives.  Long journey of miracles for others that did not fix their brickyard pain, and too many broken promises of “soon.”

How many stopped packing and planning for the move out of Egypt after a year of whiplash?

How many were caught flat-footed and at a severe disadvantage when the lurch became reality?

This is our target group for now: those who are sick to death of disappointment.  They have been there, done that, followed each new teaching, traveled, invested, believed, proclaimed, trusted, and been disappointed over and over and over again.

First, pray them into the seminar, I.F. this is God’s divinely appointed time.  No witchcraft praying – just ask God to draw in those He wants there, in spite of the pain and the litany from the devil.

Second, prepare their hearts to actually hear what God has to say to them, and to receive the balm they need for the disappointing journey they have had so far.

Third, ask God to do a work that is commensurate to the pain they have incurred while running hard after Him.

Remember, the Hebrews got 400 years of back wages with penalties and interest on the day they left.  Justice was served.

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Strategy #3

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Envision this!

You are on a road trip and need to pass the big truck that is in front of you.  You change lanes, and as you approach a significant hill, the truck slows a bit because it is hauling a heavy load.  You press the accelerator and your car engine that has been humming along, responds with a growl and you gleefully power past the truck, effortlessly, while going uphill.

The power is potentially there, all the time, but is not expressed when you are cruising.  But you know that when you need it, that engine under the hood can and will deliver the extra thrust, with ease.

Second picture.  God makes a whopper of a promise to Phinehas as his reward for committing murder in the ministry.

“Therefore say, ‘Behold, I give to him My covenant of peace; and it shall be to him and his descendants after him a covenant of an everlasting priesthood, because he was zealous for his God, and made atonement for the children of Israel.’” Numbers 25:12-13 NKJV

Today there is not an active priesthood in Israel, serving at a Temple.  But the generational blessing is still in the bloodline, and at the right time, can and will be activated.

Like the power under the hood, it does not have to be evident all the time, for it to be fully available when needed.

With that picture, would you press in for generational blessings to be unleashed in many people during the seminar, to produce a lurch vastly disproportionate to my teaching?

God knows all the ancestors in every family line, and what treasures are still there, not yet dispensed.

Let’s ask for an extravagant release of the treasures that have been reserved for this time, pouring out what is already legally in the family line, to produce extraordinary transformation.

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Strategy #4

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We are two weeks out from Blessing Your Heart Part 1.

There are two tools for bringing about transformation in the hearts of people who are running hard after God, but find themselves in less-than-ideal positions in terms of the first commandment.

The first tool is principles.  The second is power.

I am rather confident that the collection of principles I will bring to the table will be highly effective for those who do implement them.

I am less confident about my power to pray in a visitation of God, that will dramatically replace a heart of stone with a heart of flesh.

Nonetheless, I am going to pray those prayers, doing deliverance and asking for the miracles.

Please focus on the miracle side of things, establishing wind under my wings as I step into my priestly office and intercede for the people of God.

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Copyright by Arthur Burk

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