Pregnancy and Childbirth

Ministering to Babies in the Womb

Before the first baby was born, God framed childbirth as a spiritual event. Yes, yes, it is a physical event, but that transition plays out in a context of spiritual dynamics.
This album is designed to leverage the power of connecting the parents’ spirit to the child’s spirit before birth, so as to facilitate birth and enhance early childhood.
The album contains Baby Blessings Joy and Peace among many other topics.
Download (eleven CDs)
Price: $55

Baby Blessings: Joy

As we go through life, we are exposed to a wide variety of new experiences that produce an emotional reaction. From the teddy bear, to the bee sting, to the driver’s license, we have involuntary and voluntary reactions to life’s stimuli.
It has been argued that joy is supposed to be our baseline emotion, but to experience that emotion, you have to have a well-developed neurological cluster in your medial orbital prefrontal cortex. (That is fancy schmantzy talk for the cluster of nerves behind your right eye that allow you to feel joy.)
In an ideal situation, this nerve cluster gets developed sooner rather than later. These blessings were designed for a mother to use with a child in the womb. However, fortunately, they work at any age – just not as quickly as with a developing brain!
My favorite story was of the mother of a grumpy teenager who offered to take her son to a mall an hour away. He eagerly – with surprise – accepted. Once they were on the freeway and he was effectively trapped, she put these blessings in the CD player in the car and forcibly immersed him in them going and coming.
She reported positive results from even that short exposure to the power of the blessings.
Download (two CDs)
Price: $12

Baby Blessings: Peace

Most turmoil infants feel is from external circumstances – the dirty diaper or the crack of thunder nearby.
And the intuitive response is to seek external solutions – mostly MOTHER!
As we grow to maturity, we are expected to be able to maintain some measure of internal peace in the presence of acute or chronic disruption to our external world.
This album is designed to help infants in the womb – or adults in the storm – to grow their spirit, soul and brain to the point of being able to sustain internal peace more easily.
Download (two CDs)
Price: $12

Nurture in the Womb

This album is a follow up to “Ministering to Babies in the Womb.” The first album was tilted a bit toward the negative side as we explored cleansing a child of generational iniquity and curses while still in the womb.
This album focuses more on building a fortress of righteousness in the specific area of our forefathers’ failure. There is a step by step process for identifying the patterns of evil or brokenness in our family lines, then languaging the virtue that would be the opposite of that.
Finally there is the art form of searching Scripture to find the word pictures and the incarnated examples of that righteousness so you can bless the children in the womb with those virtues before they face the dynamics of “life on the outside.”
In addition to that strategy-building session, there are various warfare prayers and blessing for different facets of pregnancy.
Download (seven CDs)
Price: $35

Covenants within Contracts Prayers

The medical industry is ostensibly about healing the body. Unfortunately, from time to time, it is also a battlefield on the spiritual level.
Since a significant amount of childbirth still takes place in a hospital, it would be wise for the parents to be aware of the possibility of this dynamic – occult covenants within the medical contracts –and know how to neutralize this strategy of the enemy, proactively.
Covenants within Contracts Prayers
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Your Spirit and Surgery

Ideally, childbirth does not include surgery. However, the principles in this teaching which have been validated in a wide cross section of medical procedures would be portable and applicable to childbirth.
If you are a parent, or labor and delivery nurse, or midwife, or doula, understanding the power of this three-step spiritual strategy can hugely enhance your effectiveness in the biological processes.
Your Spirit and Surgery
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