Your child’s spirit is alive in the womb. These tools allow you to nurture his or her spirit while the body is being formed. It transforms one’s entire life.
This is a downloadable album of eleven CDs.
Your baby's spirit is present and responsive at conception. You can begin to hear his or her heartbeat around twelve weeks. But the soul does not start functioning until shortly before or after birth, when the myelination of the nerve sheaths takes place. This is because God designed your child's spirit to have a nine month head start on the soul!
This album is a do-it-yourself tool kit for parents who want to grow their child's spirit so that from birth on, your child is spirit led, not soul led.
The first two CDs deal with generational curses, covenants and blessings and how to deal with them in the womb. It is so much easier to clean up a baby, than a 40 year old! And after the clean-up, the blessings that are already in his or her trust fund need to be released.
Then there are two CDs with a grab bag of different tools for growing your baby's spirit. That is followed by a teaching on the three foundational kinds of blessings and how to use each of them with your child.
Finally, you will find all five of the "Baby Blessing" CDs included. While we urge parents to develop their own blessings along the way, these will serve as a starter set to show the way.
The net result of incorporating these tools into your prenatal lifestyle will benefit your child for the rest of his or her life!
This album was released in 2004.
This is a downloadable album of eleven CDs.