This two album package begins the process of healing the wounds of womanhood and celebrating the richness of women in Scripture who have walked in this noble office.
This is a downloadable package of 10 CDs.
Being a woman is a statement of gender. But womanhood is vastly more. It is expressed in spirit, soul and body.
And there can be wounds in all three which need to be healed.
This package begins that process. Healing Womanhood addresses the office of womanhood as distinct from being simply a human who is a woman. We explore lightly the ancient war against womanhood, but focus primarily on how God moves in and through womanhood, strategically building out the Kingdom, not through women, but through women who are in the OFFICE of womanhood.
Blessing Womanhood builds on that foundation and roams through Scripture celebrating the richness of what God does through this noble office.
Healing Womanhood was released in 2018 and Blessing Womanhood in 2019.
This is a downloadable package of 10 CDs.