The Ruler season was marked by learning how to build organizationally. By contrast, the Mercy season will be marked by people smelling the fragrance of Christ.
This is a downloadable album of ten CDs.
This album explores the redemptive gifts of time. The church age has expressed the seven gifts in sequence and we are now in the final season, having just recently emerged from the Ruler season dynamics.
There are many absolutes in the Word of God that do not change from season to season, but there are also huge shifts in the way God interfaces with the world as each season emerges. We are in the midst of the single biggest restructuring of our corporate relationship with God of any of the seasons.
The album begins with a big picture overview of the six previous seasons of church history and how they expressed the different redemptive gifts of time.
Then there are three CDs looking at the issue of fathering and adulthood. The previous six seasons paralleled the development of the church from infancy through adolescence. The Mercy season is the adult season of the church, which is why the changes in the rules of engagement with heaven are so massive.
Next comes a detailed look at intimacy with God, with our human communities and with nature. One of the hallmarks of the Mercy Season is the priority that God places on intimacy, and the kind of life that flows from Him to us in this season.
Next are two CDs about the niche anointings that are so dominant in this period of church history. While the spiritual gifts that we have been familiar with through the church age do not recede, things like a fragrance anointing, motion anointing, sound anointing and other niche anointings add color and texture to what we are already familiar with.
A whole CD is devoted to exploring the new flavors of spiritual authority in this season. No longer is unity the primary tool for gaining access to the dominion the church needs. It is still vital, but there is a step beyond that which God now requires of us.
Finally, there are two CDs which explore the changing rules of our relationship to nature.
This is far from the authoritative, final word on the Mercy season. Rather it is the first attempt to express the majesty and complexity of this last and greatest season in the history of the church. So many people have found vast relief from listening to these principles. The game around them changed in 2004 and they were confused and dismayed when the things that used to work for them, no longer did. It is encouraging to see that the same thing happened on a world wide scale and that there is a logical and comprehensible dynamic to the new reality.
This album was released in 2008.
This is a downloadable album of ten CDs.