Intense tools to help passionate Christians rescue Ordinary Men from the POW camp where the devil has induced them to settle for survival (with futility).
This is a downloadable album of seven CDs.
The devil’s Plan A is to break you or co-opt you in to working for him. It rarely works.
The devil’s Plan B is to make you An Ordinary Man: comfortable, passive and generally useless to the King. It works altogether too often.
This album is the first in a series of white-hot fury against the devil’s POW camp which is filled with masterpieces of God’s creative genius who have been reduced to being Ordinary Men. I seek to break the chains the devil has created and catapult men into Passionate Manhood.
If you are a man who is regretting the decisions you have made to settle for having a wife, kids, job, home, cars, tools and toys, without passion and without a Kingdom objective in your life, this series is for you.
Sincere repentance is not enough. You will need some firepower to break out of the POW camp, and to reboot your life.
If you are the passionate wife, parent, pastor or friend of An Ordinary Man who was designed by God to be giving the devil a migraine with fierce intentionality and great regularity, this series is for you. It will empower you to rescue Ordinary Men who most assuredly don’t want to be rescued by you.
I teach on the root issues behind each problem, then model a warfare prayer you can adapt to your situation.
We have seen MEASURABLE, VERIFIABLE results in our initial trials with these tools when used without the knowledge or permission of God’s masterpieces who settled for being less than passionate men. Passionate men and women are reaching a hand back to those who have been seduced by God’s ancient enemy into settling for a useless life of temporarily comfortable futility.
It is with vast anticipation I share my fire and my fury with the SLG Tribe.
Go be dangerous.
This album was released in 2021.
This is a downloadable album of seven CDs.