The Prince of the Power of the Air should not run free in the atmosphere over our homes. Here are strategies to build a fortress of righteousness in the air.
This is a downloadable album of six CDs.
Climate change.
From “It is total fraud” to “Humanity will be exterminated” the debate rages.
Stepping back from the question of what is science and what is propaganda, there IS a major battle in the air over spiritual dynamics. The Prince of the Power of the Air is seeking to expand his operating advantage there.
This album describes valuable tools in three areas.
-How to grow your authority so you CAN effectively engage in the air and weather dynamics around you.
-How to effectively tear down ancient strongholds in the air.
-How to build customized fortresses of righteousness in the air, to enhance the work of God on your property or in your neighborhood.
At present, there is minimal discussion in the Body of Christ of the art of establishing dominion for the King in the atmosphere. This album will give you a wide spectrum of perspectives and tools to enrich your spiritual community and to empower your stewardship of your land.
This album was released in 2023.
This is a downloadable album of six CDs.