This is for helping people who want out of the bondage to poverty.
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Spartanburg has three high crime neighborhoods with all the usual causes: Highland, Norris and Prince Hall.
We have begun to liaise with the community leaders, listening to their journey and all the things they are doing well plus what is still needed.
The surface cry is for more money. Our perspective is that a second part of the equation is the heart desire of the people. Giving money to someone who wants pain relief but is not willing to embrace productive pain to improve their circumstances, is an act of mercy ministries, and is not necessarily transformational.
We are continuing to dialog with the local leaders, seeking to identity that sector of the community who is eager to be part of their own solutions and to leverage their INTERNAL drive with some external strategy and resources.
This fund is for empowering people to get out of their stuck spot, rather than enabling them to stay in it with less pain.
Obviously, that is the dream of most social entrepreneurs. How well we can do the screening and how effectively we can partner with those who are ready, remains to be seen.
But hey, we are dreamers, right? And we routinely put legs on our dreams.
So, FULL DISCLOSURE. This investment on your part is a gamble. There is no more risky gamble than gambling on human beings to change!