This fund is for strategically investing in rebuilding survivors of CDV in Spartanburg.
You may adjust the amount on the "More Info" page or in the shopping cart.
Criminal Domestic Violence is a well-entrenched problem in Spartanburg. There are a wide variety of organizations doing good work in this field. We do not intend to compete with or replace any existing program but rather to find the situations that fall between the cracks of the social safety nets.
We seek to bring life strategies together with appropriate resources to help wounded people take the next step forward.
Giving victims funds without strategies to rebuild their lives is usually not overly productive to them. Giving them strategies without the resources to execute, is cruel.
We seek to liaise with people already in the field, to screen opportunities to rebuild a few lives.
This is an embryonic program.
Setting aside that fancy schmantzy language, what that REALLY means in practical terms is that we don’t know what we are doing!
We will surely make some mistakes along the way, including at times poor financial investments, but we are champions at failing forward and learning a lot from our mistakes.
In addition to that, we have a long-term strategy to change the way rape kits are tested in the state, so as to speed up the judicial system’s response to survivors of sexual violence.
At present our advocacy for changes in the law and in the way money is spent, is not costing us anything but time. However, this process of advocacy will be running in the background for years to come, I assume, and we have no idea what all the permutations will be.
We are simply saying that this project, which is minor at the moment, is being bundled into the CDV fund.