Your Journey
We HATE sausage factories.
You are a unique individual.
Your design is unique. Your past is unique. Your birthright is unique.
Therefore, your journey must be unique.
What worked extremely well for someone else, might not be the right tool for you at this time.
This section provides a series of principles to help you play a skilled game of Scrabble, assembling YOUR assets in a carefully crafted way, appropriate for YOUR journey.
No silver bullets. Just strategic options.

High Impact Christians

If you were content just existing, you wouldn’t be on this web page. We are famous and infamous for our passion to serve The King extravagantly.
This download offers some highly unconventional perspectives on how to position yourself in the Kingdom of God in order to leave the world a different place.
Download (six CDs)
Price: $36

Life, Dominion and Honor

The devil is anti-God and he has strategies to damage the expression of the essence of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
This audio file builds out the absolutely essential SEQUENCE of learning to receive life from Father, dominion from Jesus and honor from the Holy Spirit.
Each stream of the faith in our culture tends to emphasize one of the three. While each is right, all are inadequate if they do not show the sequence.
This is a gritty, granular teaching that will help just about everyone see how to strengthen the weak leg of their tripod.
Life, Dominion and Honor
Free Audio

Slavery to Sonship

Slavery is a mindset, not a civil reality. And the devil is deeply skilled at teaching people how to survive in slavery, instead of pursuing sonship.
This video playlist is designed to showcase, from Scripture, God’s sequence for identifying the hidden mindsets of slavery and helping us grow out of them.
Slavery to Sonship Playlist
Free Video

The Blessing of Presence

Raising people from the dead is the stereotypic high point of spiritual authority in the current religious culture.
However, I think our goal should be the blessing of presence where the environment around us changes without our having to DO anything. Peter demonstrated that. His SHADOW healed people without his engaging with them at all.
You don’t get there by impartation. You get there by going to the gym and pumping some iron.
This streaming video is a workout plan for those who are striving for the power of God.
Live Stream
Price: $7

When Your Call is Blocked

Futility is a wretched enemy. God has designed us for fulfillment.
If you know your call, are running hard after it, and are not making the progress you think you should, this audio download is for you.
There are five different strategies the enemy uses to hold back the valiant ones who are trying to run flat out for the Kingdom.
The teaching gives a detailed diagnostic for each one followed by ministry for release.
Download (five CDs)
Price: $30