The Redemptive Gifts of Some Nations

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Sorted by Country:

Afghanistan Prophet Ghana Exhorter Philippines Giver
Argentina Exhorter Haiti Prophet Poland Giver
Armenia Giver Hungary Prophet Portugal Servant
Australia Mercy India Servant Romania Giver
Austria Mercy Indonesia Giver Russia Ruler
Barbados Teacher Iran Ruler Scotland Prophet
Belgium Teacher Iraq Prophet Singapore Teacher
Bolivia Servant Ireland Teacher South Africa Giver
Brazil Giver Israel Giver South Korea Giver
Cambodia Giver Italy Exhorter Spain Prophet
Canada Mercy Japan Giver Sudan Servant
China Ruler Jordan Servant Suriname Servant
Costa Rica Teacher Kenya Giver Sweden Exhorter
Cuba Giver Kurdistan Teacher Switzerland Giver
Czech Republic Prophet Lebanon Exhorter Syria Prophet
Denmark Giver Liechtenstein Servant Tanzania Mercy
Egypt Ruler Mexico Exhorter Tibet Teacher
El Salvador Servant Mongolia Prophet Turkey Prophet
England Ruler Nepal Teacher Uganda Teacher
Eritrea Prophet Netherlands Giver United Kingdom Ruler
Ethiopia Ruler New Zealand Prophet United States Prophet
Finland Servant Nigeria Giver Uruguay Teacher
France Exhorter North Korea Giver Vietnam Servant
Germany Prophet Norway Mercy Wales Exhorter
Zambia Servant

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Sorted by Redemptive Gift:

Prophet Afghanistan Servant Zambia Giver Indonesia
Prophet Czech Republic Teacher Barbados Giver Israel
Prophet Eritrea Teacher Belgium Giver Japan
Prophet Germany Teacher Costa Rica Giver Kenya
Prophet Haiti Teacher Ireland Giver Netherlands
Prophet Hungary Teacher Kurdistan Giver Nigeria
Prophet Iraq Teacher Nepal Giver North Korea
Prophet Mongolia Teacher Singapore Giver Philippines
Prophet New Zealand Teacher Tibet Giver Poland
Prophet Scotland Teacher Uganda Giver Romania
Prophet Spain Teacher Uruguay Giver South Africa
Prophet Syria Exhorter Argentina Giver South Korea
Prophet Turkey Exhorter France Giver Switzerland
Prophet United States Exhorter Ghana Ruler China
Servant Bolivia Exhorter Italy Ruler Egypt
Servant El Salvador Exhorter Lebanon Ruler England
Servant Finland Exhorter Mexico Ruler Ethiopia
Servant India Exhorter Sweden Ruler Iran
Servant Jordan Exhorter Wales Ruler Russia
Servant Liechtenstein Giver Armenia Ruler United Kingdom
Servant Portugal Giver Brazil Mercy Australia
Servant Sudan Giver Cambodia Mercy Austria
Servant Suriname Giver Cuba Mercy Canada
Servant Vietnam Giver Denmark Mercy Norway
Mercy Tanzania

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Copyright by Arthur Burk

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