The Human Spirit


I Thessalonians 5:23 says God wants our whole spirit, soul and body cleansed.  Most of the time in our spiritual growth, we have not differentiated between our spirit and our soul, even though Jesus clearly did in Hebrews 4:12.

It has been a delightful journey introducing people to the rest of who they are, through these teachings.  It is like watching a child ride a bike for the first time.  It took a bit for the brain to express the potential that was there, but once a child rides a bike once, he KNOWS it is a doable skill.

He may not be able to do a quadruple backflip on a BMX course, but he KNOWS bike riding is possible.

The same is true of working with the human spirit.  Once your spirit has been engaged and legitimized, you KNOW there is a wonderfully extraordinary potential inside, to be unpacked!

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Baby Blessings: Joy divider

Baby Blessings: Joy


This short download has been our best seller for years.  People of all ages have experienced deep emotions as the themes of legitimacy and identity are explored.

One lady said she listened to just one track over 50 times because it was like plasma to her spirit.

Download (two CDs)
Price: $12

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Blessing your Spirit divider

Blessing your Spirit


This book is in its 20th printing and has been translated into five other languages already.  It is the go-to tool for systematically awakening your spirit to the largeness of the playing field awaiting it.

You can read it to yourself, but it is ideal when someone is reading the blessings to you, one per day, giving your spirit time to ponder and absorb the concepts about design and calling.

Parents read these blessings to their kids, spouses to each other, and teachers to their students at times.

This is a book.
Price: $15

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Developing Discernment divider

Developing Discernment


Your spirit was made to know something about the spiritual realm that your soul is not able to perceive.  There are many different kinds of discernment, most of which are shut down by our Western culture, while we are still in childhood.

This download album gives you the clues for looking back at childhood to see which one God designed you with.  Then there is ministry prayer to cleanse it, and strategies to grow it significantly.

One of the least understood is discernment through smell.  Most people who have “highly sensitive noses” that smell things no one around them can smell, are actually smelling in the spiritual realm with their spirit, not their nose!

Developing Discernment
Free Audio

Click here to download</

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Developing Your Spirit divider

Developing Your Spirit


Our model of the human spirit sees it as being made of light, which divides into the seven colors of the rainbow.  Each portion of your spirit has specialized abilities that can be unpacked.

This free download uses the fractal of seven as its grid, taking you through seven different Scripture passages, sketching out the beauty of each portion of your spirit from multiple perspectives.

Developing Your Spirit
Free Audio

Click here to download

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Nurturing Your Spirit:  Basic Seminar divider

Nurturing Your Spirit: Basic Seminar


This is our foundational teaching on the difference between the spirit and the soul, and how you can specifically engage the spirit.

It was recorded at a live seminar.  Arthur taught a concept, then modeled it with one or two people from the seminar, then did Q & A for a while.  That way, everyone got three exposures to each concept.

This downloadable album will give you the language and skills you need to begin the art of engaging with the spirit of your loves ones.

Download (seven CDs)
Price: $42

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The Human Spirit divider

The Human Spirit


Here is a somewhat random collection of articles on different facets of transformation for the human spirit.  By far the favorite is “Your Spirit and Surgery.”  So many people have achieved optimal results through a medical procedure by using the tools in this paper.

The Human Spirit
Free Articles

Click here to read