Mercy/Prophet Conflict

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On the Sapphire Training Center forum I am in dialog with a Mercy leader who is struggling with a Prophet follower (well, kind of, sort of, supposed-to-be follower, anyway) who is described as lacking empathy. Imagine that.

The question from the Mercy was whether all Prophets come with a no-empathy virus in their software. I pointed to the problem of the mesmerizing spirit and how that hardens the Prophet.

It occurred to me that Sterling North’s great novel “So Dear to My Heart” would make a great case study here.

The protagonist is a Biblically grounded female Prophet who is one dimensional, thinks win/lose situations are the epitome of holiness, and who consequently has the mesmerizing spirit all over her.

We have a vicious cycle of her being a certified flame thrower in her few surviving relationships, resulting in an even deeper activation of the negative sixth head of Leviathan which causes her to dig in harder to defend her positions, since she can’t make any progress in life.

The story begins as she was inflicting herself on a Mercy who lacked the ability to exit stage left and get away from her, so he recruited his best bud, also a Mercy, and the two of them embarked on a wild ride to humanize the Prophet.

In the end, the Prophet discovered that other people’s lives are a movie, not a single incident. The broadening of her perspective thawed the mesmerizing spirit, led her to receive the honor that had eluded her for years, allowed her to start walking in the positive sixth head, and, incidentally, got her in touch with her heart, not just her flame throwing theological soul.

In the end, the Mercy duo won, but talk about being porcupine huggers!!!! Those redoubtable warriors got several Purple Hearts in the process as it got pretty ugly.

It is a well written story, enjoyable just for the story line, but when you impose the redemptive gifts, the mesmerizing spirit and Leviathan on the story line, it is quite the educational experience.

Copyright March 2012 by Arthur Burk
From the Quarterdeck, in Anaheim

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