Good Dad; Bad Dad

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  • Productive pain
    By : Heidi Mull On March 3rd 2022

    I learned this from you and pray this for my children-only what is needed to help them prepare for and develop them into their destinies. My painful times were often excruciating and, yet, some of the most treasured times/experiences. Praying for productive pain, strength, & alignment. For the divine & incredible closeness of the Father, who does all things well.

  • Good Dad
    By : Beth Ahlers On March 23rd 2021

    Yes, Arthur, "Die Climbing" is a courageous LIFE moto. We are praying for you along your suggested strategy. I shared the phrase "productive pain" with a friend yesterday. She said she likes that phrase better than "God works it all out for good" because it acknowledges the hardship even if the pain is past. Thank you for sharing your journey with us as we learn to pray for you and watch the Good Dad at work. Sending love to you and Ann along with the prayers!

  • Walking by faith
    By : Salome Fick On March 23rd 2021

    I salute you Mr. Burk.
    May you be strong and courageous. May doubt not come near you. May you stay hidden under His shadow. May you become all He has written in your scroll. May you fly into the storm and go into higher dimensions than ever before. May you be about your Father's business. May you be unoffendable.
    God Bless you for speaking truth.

  • Truth.
    By : Danielle Bowman On March 21st 2021

    Thank you for this.
    Beautifully said.
    And praying. :)

  • Good dad; Bad dad
    By : Deborah Foster On March 18th 2021

    Arthur, thank you so very much for ALWAYS going for the gold...the treasures in the darkness or the pain. Thank you for leading and teaching this Tribe in and from the most challenging of places. I pray that The Lord will give you the treasures in the darkness and the riches stored in secret places and that you will KNOW HIM in ever deepening ways! Blessings!❤️

  • intercession
    By : Sandra On March 18th 2021

    There is a strategic article on C. R. Oliver's Zadok website titled "Carrying in the Spirit" which I feel is my directive for Arthur for this season for - It's not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord. Shalom and Blessings

  • Good dad, bad dad
    By : Nancy Tucker On March 18th 2021

    I have walked through this journey with both my parents, first go round got lost in lala land for 15 years (-100 on exhorter scale), several years before the second journey I let Father Father me and it was a different journey, I landed in your teachings and learned and still learning to walk through the pain and Father is faithful to unpack us when we align with Him, and you sir know how to sync and align! Continued courage and strength in abundance to you! Praying as you have outlined and asked! Die climbing is worth it all !!!

  • Sending love
    By : Cody Gevers On March 18th 2021

    I couldn't imagine watching my husband being in constant pain. You're a much bigger person than I, Arthur. Praying for God's will to be done in all this. Hugs

  • Thanks!
    By : Lucy Shaw On March 17th 2021

    Thanks for this lovely and digestible response to pain! Worth every minute of the read! Waiting to be wowed, astonished and delighted by reports on your transformation as it helps to inform and encourage my own!
    Love and Blessings

  • Thanks for Modeling good sonship
    By : Daisy On March 17th 2021

    I appreciate you modeling good sonship in this hour.

  • Pain
    By : Teri A Usiak On March 17th 2021

    Arthur, thankyou for the clarity you bring to us about your situation. Embracing and unpacking our design through pain and heartbreak is a concept most of us don't recognize as needing to be done. Die climbing, what a great image. The Lord is your rope, your netting and your sure foot hold. I love the picture. Thank you for the specifics on how to pray for you, Anne and your family. I bless you Arthur and Anne with strength, courage and God's expectations for you both as your designs are unpacked and your destinies are fulfilled. With much love, Teri

  • Solid Teaching Fruits
    By : Cynthia Harris On March 17th 2021

    Well, it is a tribute to you as a teacher and a relentless proponent of the values you've listed here, that I haven't been tempted one single time to pray for healing & an easy outcome. It literally didn't occur to me . In the old days, I would always have prayed for the removal of pain, the quick fix of the problem, and the least trauma possible. However, having been steeped in your stuff for some years, as you've been sharing about Ann with us over these last months, the only clear thing to pray was for basically what you've listed here. For the fullness of what the Lord has planted as treasure in the midst of this, and for triumphant process through all of it, in dominion and grace. So kudos to you as a teacher, and I will pray with these specific directions that you've listed here, as well.

  • Good Dad bad dad
    By : Susan Hinchey On March 16th 2021

    Hey Arthur, my thoughts and prayers are with you. All that comes to mind is that nothing is wasted. About a decade ago I emailed you regarding ‘ mercy in the marketplace’.. listening to your teaching, trying to get a hold on my design, etc...Didn’t do a real good job.. had a physical and emotional breakdown, followed by husband passing a couple of years ago at an age too young to be acceptable.
    There’s been a bucket-load of pain, prayers and pleading,sadly, mostly to no avail at the time, or even now. Through my eyes.
    Mostly the thing I hold close now is that He is a good good Father. The person I am today I hardly recognise . Don’t know if I’m happier, or better at doing life. Only that I wouldn’t be who I am now without all that ‘Joseph’ sh**t happening. And deep deep down inside there has been massive transformation .
    Hang in there Arthur and may God bless you in ways you never even dreamed of.

  • Trying
    By : Serna Fourie On March 16th 2021

    Dear Arthur
    Our family is also currently on this journey. That it is Father filtered rings constantly in my heart. I purchased your teaching on the adrenals and kidneys.
    I have just one question regarding “He is trying to grow me.” Trying implies a possibility of failure. The dictionary says - difficult or annoying; hard to endure. Is there a possibility of failure?

  • So much opposite is being taught than this
    By : Randi Corkey On March 16th 2021

    I’ll have to ponder this now as I had to work at believing otherwise from several sources... although, this is what my “insides” said was true. It’s helpful b-c it does not get us kicking AGAINST God’s plan. I appreciate this. Thank you.

  • You continue to produce treasure t
    By : David Brown On March 17th 2021

    Arthur, you continue to produce treasure faster than I can read, listen or watch. Nevertheless, you have inspired me to produce treasure too. With appreciation, David

  • Amen to that!
    By : Jenny Roux On March 17th 2021

    Kudos to you, Arthur! Love the direct approach too.

  • Standing with you
    By : Kay Harris On March 16th 2021

    You're a treasure to the body of Christ. Our Father must be delighted to have a warrior like you to shape and mold in His image, and to bring forth as gold. I am standing with you and Anne - and always learning so much from your journey.

  • Thank you!
    By : Robin Lawrimore Lewis On March 16th 2021

    Thank you, Arthur! This helps me hold the perspective of being Fathered. Thank you, God! I am currently listening to the Poverty Spirit CD set and can see God's hand all over everything from the blissful to the painful. Yes, Lord.

  • Good Dad, Bad Dad - walking through a difficult patch
    By : Lily Li Chun Woo On March 16th 2021

    I recognise that everything is God-filtered. Events that happened are ways of training me and unpacking His design for me to see. I can accept that. I even communicate some of these teachings to my 95 yr old mum who, otherwise seemingly alert when awake, has for the past coming 3 years been bed-ridden, cannot eat, talk or move, effects from 2 brain haemorrhages. She is a Child of God too. What bothers me is how to 'assess' her spiritual life/ keep her spiritually growing and why hasn't God taken her home yet seeing how frustrating life can be for her? Comments?

  • Love this
    By : Kerrie Gibbons On March 16th 2021

    Love this Arthur!!! Grow big or go home !!!!

  • My Similar Journey
    By : Sharon On March 16th 2021

    God kept telling me to chill out and go with the flow. My husband accepted his new role better than anyone else around him. His pleasures were much simpler things, holding hands and enjoying the moment. It was a small world. No longer an outstanding Professor of Statistics, but the very best hand holder around. God bless you to find your special moments to share together.

  • A Frame
    By : Jocelyn Hibberd On March 16th 2021

    To be chosen, is to be already equipped;
    To be further equipped, is to be chosen.
    With such an upgrade comes both commendation and encouragement from the Lord Jesus, who walked this road to the uttermost.
    As goes the leader, so may the followers.
    Thank you and bless you Arthur.

  • Go Arthur
    By : Pamela On March 16th 2021

    With you in prayer!! Blessing you and Ann.
    Kindest regards,

  • The purpose of pain
    By : Gilda On March 16th 2021

    Thank you for acknowledging the purpose of pain is a part of the fathering process to grow us in our design. I sometimes wonder what He has in store - am I designed for something greater than what I’m doing now? There has to be a purpose for all the pain.

  • Jesus is still our hero
    By : Dave Brooks On March 16th 2021

    Dear Arthur,
    I shared this with someone the other day and I'll share it with you as well: I'm privileged to be your friend in this season of your life.
    And I'll do the best I can to inspire you to more love and good works if I can see a way to do so. While believing in you.

  • Your recent post
    By : Jim Banks On March 16th 2021

    Sir, You are a better man than I. May His great grace be upon you in this season of life. Blessings on your journey.
    Jim from Little River, SC

  • Die Climbing
    By : E. Warigi On March 16th 2021

    “Die Climbing” - YES
    My motto as of late has been “Do Hard Things”, I like yours better.
    Thank you, again, for saying what I needed to hear. I have received encouragement, correction, insight, and even have some homework.
    The table was set gloriously, the meal was fabulous, and I will be savoring the leftovers for weeks. Thank you.

  • Praying for you
    By : Erna Raath On March 16th 2021

    And I am convinced and sure of this very thing, that He Who began a good work in you will continue until the day of Jesus Christ [right up to the time of His return], developing [that good work] and perfecting and bringing it to full completion in you.

  • Cheering you on!
    By : Renée On March 16th 2021

    Praying, yes. Cheering you on, definitely.