Where is it in Scripture?

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  • Menopause has to be in scripture
    By : Nanc Loester On February 27th 2021

    That's how....He builds relationship at least with me

  • Where is it in Scripture?
    By : Andre Roos On December 11th 2020

    I have been asked the same question and have NEVER come up with such a logical and clear answer... Thank you Arthur

  • REALITIES and Scriptural Proof
    By : Jerryann Berry On December 3rd 2020

    Holy Spirit Realities always are consistent with Scriptural principles and when viewed from Heavenly perspectives can be applied in many ways that may not be humanly appreciated. Menopause may not be named that in scriptures but it is reference many times. In Genesis 18:11 It says, "and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women." Most know what that means. As I read scripture The Holy Spirit often points out something that slightly changes the perspective of the words. I was so highly dissociative that while I remembered nothing of anything that might have happened to cause me so much disconnection from God. Over and Over I would submit my life to God, confess my lack of connection, and mention something that I thought was interfering but nothing seemed to changed. Then the Holy Spirit led me to the verse where John was told, "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21. And HOLY SPIRIT emphasized "THEIR SINS" in a way that let me know that what was interfering with my connection with God was what was done to me by someone else and not what I had done. What I had done was forgiven. But I had not dealt with what others had done to me! And I had not dealt with it because it was still hidden within me out of reach of my conscious mind while still creating a huge amount of pain and disconnection. After this was revealed to me I started to ask God to show me what had been done and thus started my journey of healing!

  • Where is it in Scripture Blog Post Reply
    By : Pamela Moore On December 3rd 2020

    Oh yeah! How did you know I was wondering about that? So theslg has applied logic, verification and application to a theological issues.
    I love it. I Thank You and my clients thank you. Blessings await those who step out and try new ways and means to restore and release those entrenched in man’s idea of theology.
    Keep it coming!

  • Revelation
    By : Jillian On December 2nd 2020

    Yes. Holy Scripture says that HOLY Spirit will “reveal hidden and secret things”

  • Menapause IS in the Bible!
    By : Priscilla Holloway On December 1st 2020

    Just for fun...
    Menapause IS mentioned in the Bible!
    Gen 18:11 "Now Abraham and Sarah were old and well stricken in age; and it ceased to be with Sarah after the manner of women."
    Also, in support of doing things that weren't explicitly by the guide book.
    Mark 9:39-40 “Do not stop him,” Jesus said. “For no one who does a miracle in my name can in the next moment say anything bad about me, for whoever is not against us is for us."

  • Patterns
    By : Jane Tennant On December 1st 2020

    I’ve struggled with this question too, but motorbikes!! Who would’ve said. Too funny.
    Seriously, my love for patterns confuses many people but this discourse joins the dots so beautifully!
    Celebrating (with pipes)

  • brillianyly helpFULL!!!
    By : Able WongTsaiJing On December 2nd 2020

    hi, even though I'm a guy that whole "no menopause in the bible" illustration hits the mark! same with cigarettes, masturbation, soul ties etc...

  • shema
    By : Ralf Meister On December 1st 2020

    The Bible is only part of our walk with God. Far more important is our personal relationship with our heavenly Father and the conversations we have. We need to be able to hear our Father's voice and act on it.
    I met a lady once who told me that after attending church for 35 years, she met a jewish rabbi and is now convinced that the new testament is a fraud and Jesus never existed. At first I was shocked at her statement right there in a home fellowship. Eventually I realized that I know Yeshua personally. I have spoken with Him and seen Him in spirit. Thus telling me that HE does not exist, would be the same as trying to convince me that my earthly mother does not exist, whom I have known personally for many decades.

  • Profound thought provoking reading that I needed to hear. It came to me with such gentleness to see the fruit that is authentic in others. That may look different.
    By : Madeline rooney On December 1st 2020

    In the moment I read this I was calling my daughter up to have another thought that is not negative. It was about her brother with whom there is no relationship between them ... for years and they are early 30's. This putrid religious spirit is spewing out lies. All day long you can look at the bad and never see the good. This article empowered and opened up ways that I do that .. (Teacher RG!). Empowering indeed! Thank you!

  • We are SONS; not orphans!
    By : Gordon Haggerty On December 1st 2020

    When we start out in life, most of spend time in a crib, and then a play pen. Our environment is pretty safe and risk is strictly regulated. But we were never meant to spend our lives in the safety of the play pen. The scriptures are like the play pen. They introduce us to the basic principles, and give examples of what happens when we follow them...and when we don’t.
    When Father opens the gate to the play pen, He expects us to take the principles we learned with us and to continue to grow our skill sets; as you say: “failing forward”. He also expects us to take on the world in relationship with Him. That’s why He said to WAIT for the Holy Spirit.
    Your remarks made me think of another useful metric in the same chapter:
    Mt 7:9-11: “Or what man is there among you who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him a stone? 10 “Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give him a snake, will he? 11 “If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give what is good to those who ask Him!
    Resources for our journey are available for the asking, but they are only available through relationship with our Father. If our resources tend to be more stones and snakes than bread and fish, then maybe our relationship with Father needs to be grown before we venture too far from the play pen. But let’s not let that keep us from our calling to go out and possess our birthrights!
    He did NOT leave us as orphans!
    Thank you, Arthur.

  • Where is it in scripture?
    By : Teri A Usiak On December 1st 2020

    I tell people that cars are not mentioned in scripture and yet most of us have one...
    The trap of religion is so obnoxious and yet if I'm not careful I can step into it rather easily.
    I think discernment , wisdom, and hearing from the Lord are key. We have been commissioned to do even greater things. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

    Replied by : Arthur Burk Cars are not mentioned, but motorcycles are. Joshua's Triumph was heard throughout the land. Some serious pipes on that bike.

  • Wow!
    By : Paul S On December 1st 2020

    Love this...inimitable Arthur Burk! What a powerfully important Kingdom principle. Thank you so much for this post… Such a timely word for me!

  • another relevant Scripture
    By : Diane Eble On December 1st 2020

    Love your comment on the fruit. A verse God highlighted for me the other day, that is also relevant, is Mark 13:11: "And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit." Goes right with what you said about Jesus' instructions. The Holy Spirit will continue to guide us about many matters, and we're to "stay awake" and learn to listen (Mark 13 again). And then the test will be the fruit, if it came from the Holy Spirit.

  • Good point
    By : Sam Martinez On December 1st 2020

    I get asked that question alot. That helps me. Thanks for spending time understanding these things that many of us choose not to but we need so very much if were going to accomplish the plans of God. Sam