Beauty in Dreams

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Posted in: Beauty In Diversity

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  • Beautiful reminder
    By : Cynthia Harris On May 21st 2024

    Thanks for posting this on the home page - what a wonderful reminder of God's gift to us - to dream of the things we can't see yet. Hope and design flowing together!

  • Candace Espinosa
    By : Candace Espinosa On December 3rd 2018

    At times I dream so BIG they feel as if I can reach out and grab them. Love dreaming! Gives me hope in a wonderful future!!

  • Still dreaming...
    By : Amy Dudley On December 2nd 2018

    Starting to learn woodworking while my husband and I are both unemployed may not have been the path that most would have taken, but for me it was an outlet. My desire to build beautiful things from wood was stronger than the fear.....or maybe it was the therapeutic aspect of woodworking that was stronger. I'm not sure. There are several other dreams brewing deep in my heart still waiting for the season of their fulfillment to arrive. Until then I will keep them tucked away, allowing the flavor of each to reach its fullest potential. "And your pursuit?" Some of that remains to be seen I suppose.

  • Hope and Dreams
    By : Diane MacIntyre On December 3rd 2018

    I will never forget meeting a gentleman from Africa in New Hampshire at Mt.Washington Hotel a few years back serving breakfast doing an internship there and was going back to Africa where their culture helps and encourages them to start their own business with finances to do so. The Culture encouraged their dreams in a very realistic way.
    As far as my experience, in the culture I have lived.....depending on the can be a long road and costly to obtain ones dream. As a young College student paying most of my way; to raising kids and encouraging them in their dreams and a spouse finishing college while working and raising a family.
    God's timetable is interlocked with our dreams ,thankfully because He is Sovereign and sees past the potholes and hurdles along the way.
    Their are sparks and a drive ignited in my spirit to walk with God to see His dreams for me ,my family and other believers come to pass.
    The support for dreams to come into reality has not come from the church ,nor some close relatives but from hidden treasures in the heart of God. Praise Him!

  • Hope
    By : Pamela On December 3rd 2018

    Love dreaming. With dreaming there is so much hope. It lacks in dark futility and is full of bright possibilities and potential. Right now I can dream only for certain parts of my life while others not so much, but I can dream for when I'll be able to dream BIG without restraint! I have hope.

  • Goal planner
    By : Johanna Quinonez On December 2nd 2018

    I come from South America and even though my mother invested in a good education (to have a "better future" or the right word, should be "different future") through rough times in life I couldn't perfom accordinly to what my mother invested in me, so bad arguments and disappoints came instead between us. Why I couldn't perform... well I was totally empty in my Spirit, dry and dead, full of head philosophies from others, etc... but dry as a desert, due to african slavery (part of my family line) and cero father figure in the family for at least 4 generations (dysfunctional family curse). Well I commit myself to break this and few months ago I started asking myself about what I would like and I always dream of having my own business, maybe a supermarket, but it have been difficult to find out what's next after that, I have been thinking in a goal planner or better creating one for people like me, who want to change but doesn't know how to start.. thanks..

    Replied by : Arthur Burk You are right. It is challenging at times to move from the dream to the first step in execution.

  • Dreams & hope
    By : Jennie Belzer On December 2nd 2018

    Dreams and hope are equivalent in my mind. This old poem has always stuck with me, “Hold fast to dreams for if dreams die, life is a broken – winged bird that cannot fly.”

  • Dreams
    By : Doris Calvert On December 2nd 2018

    Dreams are the only thing I have. I dream with God because I'm in the location God wants me to be but am surrounded by non believers and r e l i g i o u s people; strong Catholic presence.
    I have such a thirst for God that if I didn't listen to you and others I would give up. Thank you for being there.

  • Dreamers
    By : Michelle On December 2nd 2018

    I love this! Dreaming is essential in becoming...