The Onyx gifting at its best produces high quality products in a work environment where employees thrive and value their job. At its worst, it produces companies that are quite predatory in their demands on the staff.
This is a downloadable album of three CDs.
The Onyx DNA expressed in business, results in some of the finest companies in the world. Expressed in religion, it results in astounding abuse. Explore the reason why.
The Onyx DNA expresses the redemptive gift of Teacher in the corporate setting. It is the playing field where the treasures of the two previous gifts merge. The Sapphire DNA generates new paradigms. The Topaz DNA grows exceptional staff. The Onyx company combines the staff and the ideas to produce an unparalleled flow of exceptional products developed in a great work environment.
When the Onyx company does not have the new ideas but is protecting market share of previous ideas or when they are staffed with individuals lacking a spirit of sonship, there are grave problems.
This album not only explores the ideal business structure and where it can go wrong but includes significant teaching on how to right the boat, if it has already capsized. It IS possible for a toxic Onyx company to become a vibrant community once again by using the tools presented here.
This album was released in 2015.
This is a downloadable album of three CDs