Every believer is called to walk in both roles. This pair of teachings shows you how to walk in both, with intensity, in each season of your walk.
This is a downloadable bilingual album of eight CDs.
A married woman has two very disparate roles. She is a wife and she is a mother. Sometimes, she is full in one role to the exclusion of the other. Many times, there is an overlap of the two roles. Some women find it easier than others to alternate between the two roles. The worst solution to the problem is to adopt a balanced blend, and to never be fully in one or the other. For example, the wife who is checking on the babysitter while out on a date with her husband, weakens her role as a wife.
In the same way, there is a huge difference between how we walk out our roles as bride and as a son. The son takes initiative and plans strategies. The bride waits and responds to the initiative of the Bridegroom. The son uses the tools he knows he has within him. The bride is constantly having the Bridegroom surprise her with revelation of her nature. The son gathers community. The bride enjoys solitary relationship with the Bridegroom.
This pair of albums allows you to become more extreme in your engagement with God in both roles, while also knowing which role you should be in at any given time.
This album is in English with German translation.
This album was released in 2017.
This is a downloadable album of eight CDs.