Trauma Bonds to Time

Trauma Bonds to Time

So what next?

Listen to more of the story - including some prayers for healing and release.


You or a loved one have an experience from the past that keeps popping up like the worst kind of jack-in-the-box.

There are truths about your relationship with God that can help you get free. It boils down to how you reacted to the pain in the past.

Once you understand the root issue, there are tools to heal and restore your timeline.

If you personally, or someone you are working with, has been through a significant amount of personal ministry for a known trauma, but still are not free, it is worth your time to explore this tool.

Freedom can happen. You don't have to wait any longer!

Two CD audio download

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From Jin:

"Really meaningful to understand things that make no sense in our lives, maybe patterns that are not following our commitment to the Lord and His ways."


From Dr. Sharon:

"Trauma Bonds to Time is worth hearing, especially if you struggle with things in your life over which you can't seem to gain control."


From Bill:

"Trauma Bonds To Time is a very "hands on" instruction kit for deliverance from the effects of "deciding to decide" or judging the righteousness of God."

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Getting Acquainted

I have a simple proposition: Christianity was made to work!

Sapphire Leadership Group is a 30-year-old think tank, exploring niche facets of the Christian walk, seeking to develop tools to enhance daily life.

We have invested much effort in the whole range of topics from conception to birth, in an effort to allow us to walk with the life of God flowing in the nuts and bolts of family life.

EXPLORE some of our additional resources on our "Where to Start" page.

Arthur Burk, CEO and Founder
Sapphire Leadership Group, LLC

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