Life Giving 9: Blessing of Presence

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It started as a simple case of bad judgment on Sally’s part. She had opted to fly standby on a holiday weekend.

Not a great move.

She ended up with a road warrior’s horror story. It got so bad she decided to dump the trip and just go home. Even that solution proved impossible.

After three days stuck in one city, not able to go forward or go home, she called a friend.

The friend was on another call and said he would get back to her, but suddenly, the log jam broke and she got her flight home. This is called the blessing of presence.

The friend has a high anointing for bringing the grace of God to bear on travel problems. It was not necessary for him to call back, bind and loose, war and proclaim. His being on the phone for 30 seconds changed the spiritual climate before he called back.

That level of authority does not come through impartation. It comes through growth - the proverbial 100,000 little choices.

So what are you choosing to do today to specifically grow your authority, so that ten years from now you can be life giving through the blessing of presence?

Copyright by Arthur Burk

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