Life Giving 17: A Life Giving Interview

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We have a job opening right now, so we put a blurb in the newsletter and have been processing applicants. We start with e-mails and people answer a series of thought provoking questions.

In the phone interview, we explore where they stand with the curses and blessings, the seven levels of fathering, the various facets of Leviathan, and a half a dozen other issues like that.

Most application processes and interviews are fairly demoralizing since they are designed to find out every flaw you have. Our process is life giving because what we are looking for more than anything else is your design. Who are you?

One of our applicants is nearing the end of the e-mails. She has been refreshingly authentic and transparent. Along the way, she has had to openly share some imperfections, past and present.

Painful? Yep. Absolutely painful. No question.

Degrading to be so profoundly exposed? Well, you judge for yourself. She wrote: “Thank you for considering me for this position… I don’t remember when I have ever been as alive as I have been through this written marathon.  Seriously.”

Next time you are visiting with someone new, don’t just ask about the surface trivia of their life. Experiment with being life giving through asking questions that reveal God’s design and calling.

Copyright by Arthur Burk

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