Jezebel’s Forgotten Partner

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Just when you think a topic has been run into the ground and there is nothing new to say, a different angle pops up. This has happened with the issue of Jezebel, but we have a half baked potato and need some help from you.

Here is a story line that frames it.

Fred and Sally lived in a community with a strong spirit of Jezebel. They worked on it in various ways and generally had a measure of success in pushing back specific attacks.

Eventually there was a huge storm that came into the region, threatening to hammer half the nation. One of the intercessors discerned that there was a strongman over the ocean in a particular region contributing to the storm. They went to war against the strongman and the storm dissipated with vastly less damage than should have happened.

Fred and Sally emerged from that situation pretty badly shaken.

It was quite a contrast of two weeks. One week they were personally handling the weather over half a nation, saving possibly as many as 100,000 houses from being destroyed. The next week, even though they lived and their home was not destroyed, their emotional and financial vitality was badly damaged.

They continued to walk out the path the Lord put before them, but there was no traction, huge losses and broadly no joy or intimacy with the Lord. (That is the sanitized religious version. In street language, it got really UGLY).

Recently they were working on the four time lines we all have: spirit, soul, body, birthright.

It became clear that their birthright had been attacked in that window and was still controlled by the enemy. Prior to that, they had made progress in life. There were bumps in the road and battles to be fought, but there was traction. After that . . .

As Sally read through the story of Ahab and Jezebel again, she noticed that there was a third party – the sons of Belial – who actually executed the strategy of lying to start the process of executing Naboth.

AND, the reason Naboth did not want to part ways with the land was that it wasn’t a mere economic asset – it was his children’s inheritance. In other words, it was their legacy.

So she warred against the spirit of the sons of Belial that seeks to devour birthright and legacy. After a battle that was far more exciting than she was expecting, there was breakthrough. Almost immediately, their lives have begun to turn around. Spiritually, emotionally and financially things are moving forward measurably, very soon after that battle.

The questions on the table are the following:

-What do the sons of Belial look like today in our environment? We can easily ID the Ahabs and Jezebels in our circle, but who are these other characters?

-What is it about them that makes the Jezebel encounters they are a part of so “sticky?”

-Or is it not so much the sons of Belial as it is the issue of birthright and legacy? When Jezebel comes after what we have now, particularly our position and authority, is that less of a sticky assault than when she comes after our birthright and legacy?

-And suppose we do manage to identify an attack from the sons of Belial, what do we do to counter it?

It seems as though we are very close to a deep insight but are missing a piece. That is why we are floating it to you. Please don’t rehash every teaching you have heard on Ahab and Jezebel. The question on the table is, “Who are the sons of Belial in a modern day Jezebelian encounter?”

Copyright March 2013 by Arthur Burk
From “The Hub” in Anaheim

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