
Creativity and the Government of God


Is creativity a natural aptitude or a learned skill?

That is for sure, a hot debate.

I believe the KIND of creativity you function in, is like discernment.  God determines it when you are designed, and it functions automatically, TO A DEGREE.

But, your childhood, your education and your religious experiences will do much to either diminish or develop the amount of creativity that is expressed.

Lamentably, few of us had optimal upbringing in this regard.

However, at any age in life, we can begin to do the exercises that will unleash the power of the amygdala, the hippocampus and the thalamus, to release the creativity that has been potentially available from the beginning.

These three reflect the role of the Father, Son and Spirit in the creative process.

And the beauty of the whole process is that as you unleash your creativity, using the power of all three, you will INEVITABLY learn to love God spontaneously, not simply as obedience to a command.

We win in terms of loving God.  We win in terms of finding fulfillment.  We win in terms of making the world a better place.

The recording of the seminar on Nov. 2nd is now available.  Click below to download it and begin your journey toward love, fulfillment and dominion.

This album was released in 2024.

Four CD audio download



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