Cleansing Political Offices
For the last 50 years, Christians have been electing individuals who claim to be Christians to offices from city councilmen up to the Oval Office.
Most of the time, we are profoundly disappointed in the gap between their words and the reality. We shrug with sorrow and say: “We will try to get a better person next time.”
I think there is a superior strategy.
There are many factors that cause individuals who are running for office to overpromise and underdeliver. The one we are focusing on today is the defilement of offices.
We are not talking about four walls, a floor and a desk. We are talking about the office of city councilmen, the office of senator, the office of president.
The older offices in our nation are over 200 years old. That is a lot of people who have spent years installed in an office, and they have made decisions to do or to not do while there. They have made noble decisions, cowardly decisions, spiritual decisions, secular decisions, pragmatic decisions, and visionary decisions. Some are good and some are bad.
Over the course of the years, many of those decisions have left an enduring imprint on the office which impacts the next person to fill the office.
At the moment someone is sworn into office, they enter into covenant with the entire history of the office. That is challenging, because the only reason somebody runs for office is because they think they can do something different than whomever is in office now.
The whole point of running for office is to be a change agent. If you are not planning to change the status quo, then you leave the people in office who are there now.
You have thousands of visionary change agents who have been sworn into office only to be entangled with the mass of inertia from the past attachments to the office.
I propose to you that if you are a citizen of a nation, and a resident of a state, a county, and a city, you have some legal rights over the spiritual fabric of that jurisdiction. If you are a taxpayer in good standing in that jurisdiction, you have more rights.
Specifically, you have a certain measure of ownership over the governmental offices and you can go to The Most High God, The Righteous Judge of the Universe to appeal for righteousness in that office.
Here is the strategy I use.
First of all, I ask The Righteous Judge of the Universe to survey the entire history of the office in question and to bring before His throne everything that is “sticky.” That is, everything that has an impact past the day it was done and is going to affect the new individual who is being sworn into the office.
Then I ask Him to separate out the good from the bad. It is not complicated. He knows how to do that. We cannot determine what parts of the past history are sticky, nor what is good or bad.
Second, once that separating out has been done, we attack the bad.
There are two sections to the bad – covenants and agreements.
We have no way of knowing what kind of secret spiritual covenants, governmental covenants or business contracts have been entered into through that office with the heads of other offices or with citizens. Often the person being sworn into office has no idea what he is coming into either.
But I ask God to look at all those covenants and according to the principle in Isaiah 28, every covenant that is not righteous and just, according to Righteous Law in the Universe, God has a legal right to annul.
As a priest before His throne, a practicing lawyer if you will in the courts of heaven, I ask Him to judge every single covenant that has been entered into publicly, privately, politically, spiritually, and socially and to weigh them against the twin standards of what is righteous and just, then to annul the power of every single covenant that does not pass the litmus test of being completely righteous and just according to the Righteous Law of the Universe.
Third, we come to the agreements. God says the agreements that are contrary to His will cannot stand.
I apply the same metric. I ask Him to examine the agreements that have been entered into, the handshake agreements, the verbal agreements, the written agreements, the executive orders, or any other agreements that have impacted this office. I ask Him to identify the ones that are righteous and just, according to His standard.
For the agreements that are not, I ask God to destroy the spiritual power of those agreements, so they can no longer impact the office the new person is coming into.
Fourth, with the junk out of the way, we move to the next level which is all the treasures – all the righteous things that have been done, all the noble choices, all the imprints on the office that are magnificent. I ask God to come into agreement with the goodness of those treasures and release their power into the office and the office holder.
He has already judged them good, but for Him to rejoice over the good that has been done in that office, empower it, breathe on it, call it good, creates wind under the wings of the newly elected person in that office.
That process of declaring our legal right to steward offices, of separating the evil from the good, of annulling the covenants and destroying the power of the agreements is highly significant for unleashing the last step, which is God’s will.
Lastly, I ask Him to move into the realm of sovereign right. He has the right to bless whomever, whenever, however He wants. As He looks at this point in history for the office in question, I ask Him what His desire is for this office. What would most advance the Kingdom of God during the tenure of this official who is about to be sworn in?
Then I ask Him to do what His will is. This is the Lord’s Prayer. “Your kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
It is our job as part of the Kingdom of God to bring down God’s will from heaven to earth.
Whatever His will is for that office, whatever His desire is, His passion, His purposes, we say by faith “Yes and amen” to what He wants and ask Him to weave it into the office itself, so that it is a driving, controlling force that impacts the individual who is going to enter into covenant with that office in the near term.
We want God to have an advantage above every constitution, every set of laws, every man-made parameter for the law, and for Him to breathe on that office to be able to further His purposes through that individual.
One of the most beautiful pictures of that would be Cyrus, the king of Persia. There is no record of him being a worshipper of Yahweh, but God referred to him as “my servant.” Involuntarily, we believe.
God commanded him to fulfill the words of Jeremiah in saying that the exile would be 70 years long.
Follow the process.
God had prophesied 70 years. The 70 years were up, but Judah was not released to return until a human being, Daniel, cashed that check. He went to God and said, “This is what You said. I come into agreement. Would You cause Your will to become reality?”
Shortly thereafter, Cyrus woke up one morning, called the staff together, says: “I’ve got this great idea. Let’s send the Jews back to their homeland.”
That is the sequence.
- There is the will of God.
- There is a human being coming into alignment with the will of God.
- God imposes His will on somebody who may or may not acknowledge the validity of the God of heaven and earth.
I invite you to step into stewarding the offices that impact you. Proclaim that you are a citizen in good standing and you pay taxes and so you are part owner of the office.
Then first of all, bring the life of God to cleanse it, secondly turbocharge it with the life of God, so that the human beings come into a clean, loaded office and have the wind of God under their wings instead of shackles on their feet.
Copyright by Arthur Burk
January 2025
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