Window of Reconciliation - June

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Reconciliation with Land - Focused Repentance

It is now June 10th, the beginning of the 20 day window when there is unusual grace for being reconciled to the land.

The first gift God gave man (after the gift of life) was land. Adam was placed on land with borders and a gate, which was defined as his, separate from other land.

The land was immensely life giving to Adam and was intended to be the initial capital for the expansion projects he was ordered to undertake in the future.

In return for this immense gift, Adam had the responsibility to work the garden, presumably to sustain the symbiosis. As he fulfilled his responsibility, he had the privilege of eating from the fruit of God’s gift and his labor.

It is interesting that Adam received the gift of land before he received the gift of a wife. There seems to be a direct connection between the land and the office Adam was implicitly placed in. Luke confirmed that God was officially placing Adam in the office of son. In the genealogy, instead of presenting Adam as the father of all mankind, Luke framed him as the son of God.

We know from other portions of Scripture that someone with a spirit of slavery desires liquid assets so he can proceed with life, but someone with a spirit of sonship often receives primarily raw materials. In giving Adam land with potential, God was treating him as a son.

There was no cash economy at the time, nor did God send manna to feed him, or angels to garden and cook for him. As an acknowledgment of Adam’s being officially in the office of son, he was given the raw materials of land which he was expected to improve and leverage in order to eat from the land and still have the capital to expand his land holdings.

Part of the mark of an adult with a spirit of sonship is that he (or she) produces more than they consume over the course of a lifetime. Thus Adam was to eat from the land without depleting the land. He was to use the land as capital for expansion without reducing his capital.

The dynamics in the spiritual, social and environmental ecosystems changed considerably at the fall. In the judgment of Adam and Eve, God articulated three things.

First, He cursed the serpent with a change in locomotion, alienation from mankind, and eventual defeat.

Second, He institutionalized the role reversal the woman had inappropriately embraced. He had designed her to be an extraordinary life giver to her husband. His specific statement was that it was not good for man to be alone, without a woman. God created the man to be needy, not independent, and designed him to crave having a woman to supplement the resources he brought to the table.

There is a certain (small) amount of justice in Adam’s complaint that the extraordinary life giver God said he could not live without, had in actuality, delivered death to him instead.

Since Eve believed she was needy and not wealthy, God flipped the need factor in her psyche. Prior to the fall, man needed the woman. After the fall, women have had much more of an urgency to find a husband than most men feel about finding a wife.

Further, since she believed that being life giving to him was so hard, thereafter the most womanly form of life giving, childbirth, would in fact, become more challenging.

Third, God addressed Adam’s gross negligence in studying the asset God had given him. If Adam had been diligent in unpacking the gift, (especially picking up on the hint God had given him about the other tree) he would not have fallen for the social wisdom of how to leverage his assets.

The consequence to Adam of his not voluntarily working hard to unpack the gift from God was that he would be forced to work harder in the future to get the same results.

Land is still an immense gift from God to man. It is still a capital asset. It is still loaded with treasures which we have the responsibility to unpack. And we are still very much at risk of making bad decisions if we do not study the gift we have and seek to leverage its assets for the King.

Well, unfortunately, the story gets worse.

Cain apparently loved the land and learned how to grow magnificent crops. However, when he got sideways with God over the issue of whether he could define what right worship was, his subsequent murder and denial produced another curse on his land.

Because Cain had overtly defiled the land with his actions, the nutritional treasure in the land was locked up by God so that it would not release its strength to Cain when he farmed.

Under the Adamic curse, the treasure is still accessible, he just had to work a little harder to get the resources. With land that was under the curse of Cain, no amount of hard work would extract from the land the treasure God placed there.

So where does that leave us today, centuries later?

Our tie to the land is still there. It is still a gift loaded with treasures from God. He still wants us to study the land and leverage the gifts that are there as one of our primary assets for advancing the Kingdom.

We are learning much in this century about the spiritual treasures in the land. The redemptive gifts of the land, the various portals, the spiritual dynamics of the underground aquifers are all variables, established by God, which can be discovered by us and leveraged to the degree we understand them.

And, like Adam, most people are far too involved with busyness to bother with the vital business of caring for the land. We suffer as a result of our lack of valuing the treasure God gave us.

While being reconciled with the land can be done at any time during the year, it appears that there is a window when there is uncommon grace for that from June 10th to the 30th. Let’s look at what reconciliation means “on Monday morning.”

As with any legal work in the heavenlies, I begin by justifying God. That means we look at the Righteous Law of the Universe and at the current reality on the land and then identify the human behavior that produced this result. Whatever is wrong here is our fault, not God’s. Humanity made the mess and we need to own it, even though we can only clean it up through His power and participation.

There are, as usual, two classes of sin against the land. The first is the sin of omission. This seems to have been Adam’s sin. He did not vigorously pursue the treasures that were there, nor did he progress toward expanding the garden using the resources from the original gift.

This is a pervasive sin in the Western cultures. We see land first as a place to build, second as a place to farm, and third as an economic hedge in an unstable economy. Thankfully in the last four decades God has raised up a mighty army of people who have come to love the land and have worked hard to care for their land as well as the public land.

This is a hugely encouraging step in the Body of Christ. More work has been done on healing land in the last 40 years than the previous 2,000. The routes of the major Crusades have been walked with identificational repentance. Every massacre site in America has been visited with skilled teams who have gone face to face with First Nations people to ask forgiveness for our atrocities against them. Every Masonic Lodge in America has been visited and prayed over.

In addition to these massive, coordinated enterprises, there are hundreds of thousands of patches of land around the world that are in vastly better condition today than they were in 1970.

We celebrate the progress, but there still remains a majority of Christians who utterly ignore the land, the treasures of God in the land and their responsibility to God for the land. This is sin.

On the other side of the coin are the sins of commission. There are dozens of verses in Scripture referring to humans defiling the land. The primary defiling actions are murder, idolatry, adultery, violence and religious hypocrisy.

We who live several millennia downstream from Adam and Eve are living on land which has been defiled many times, in many ways. The first step of fulfilling our responsibility is to cleanse the land of the accumulated defilement.

There is one particular issue that Americans need to consider and that is the drop in nutritional value of the food we grow and eat.

Here is an excerpt from a lengthy article on this website.

  • In wheat and barley, protein concentrations declined by 30 to 50 percent between the years 1938 and 1990.
  • Likewise, a study of 45 corn varieties developed from 1920 to 2001, grown side by side, found that the concentrations of protein, oil and three amino acids have all declined in the newer varieties.
  • Six minerals have declined by 22 to 39 percent in 14 widely grown wheat varieties developed over the past 100 years.
  • Official U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) nutrient data shows that the calcium content of broccoli averaged 12.9 milligrams per gram of dry weight in 1950, but only 4.4 mg/g dry weight in 2003.

They go on to speculate as to sundry causes, but I believe the drop in the nutrients in our food primarily goes back to two things.

The first is the widespread acceptance of Margaret Sanger’s brand of eugenics in the early 1900s. She wrote widely urging the elimination of poor Whites, Blacks, and Asians as part of purifying the American culture. This was long before Hitler embraced eugenics. Her efforts eventually resulted in the establishment of what is now known as Planned Parenthood.

The second major cause of the lack of nutrition in our food would be Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion on demand in 1973.

In short, when we as a culture embraced the idea of murdering those we did not value, then legalized it (after a fashion) through the courts, we brought the curse of Cain on our nation. God flipped the switch, and the treasures in the land are no longer available to us. We grow more food than ever before, but even organic food is not as nutritious as it used to be.

This is God’s judgment on the land for the sins of man. It is right and just and proper that the treasures in our land be locked up, out of reach of modern scientific methods because we have created a pseudo-scientific justification for murder.

Thus you see the logic in the sequence of the windows of reconciliation. In March we have reconciliation with community. If we do not do that, we can in no way reconcile with the land! And if we are not reconciled with the land, we can’t really reconcile with God in the September window, and if we are not reconciled with our community, our land, or our God, how can we be reconciled to our destiny as expressed in our past and our future?

In practical terms then, you need to see where you are in the process of being reconciled to land. If you are new to the idea, you need to start with prayers of repentance for neglecting the gift of God to you of all the land you have been on.

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1) Take some time and ponder God’s intentionality in matching your design to the land you have been on.

Some of you lived in one place for 20 years then married and moved to another place where you have been ever since. God knows some of you need to go deep on a particular piece of land because of your design.

I met someone recently whose parents had moved frequently. By the end of his childhood, he had lived in most of the 50 states. As an adult, he pastored a church which moved frequently around the city. In the past, we would have considered that a “Tumbleweed Curse” saying that he could not put down roots anywhere. It may be, but even in the midst of the curse, if there was one, I see the hand of God in strategically enriching his spiritual life by placing him on specific pieces of land.

So start by believing God is bigger than your circumstances. You might have been stuck on one piece land you did not like because of extreme poverty. The outward circumstances cannot supersede the immensity of God’s creativity. My assumption is that the land had something for you.

Maybe you are the child of an alcoholic who used “the geographic cure” for the consequences of his addiction. If you were moved consistently from place to place, through no fault of your own, again, I proclaim the power of God. While your alcoholic parent might have been running from his broken relationships, God is fully capable of strategically placing you on land that had treasures for you.

So thank Him for His meticulous provision to you of treasures in the land, and ask forgiveness for all you did not receive because you could only see your pain.

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2) If you are new to the idea of stewardship of the land, you need to explore the body of works available.

The largest collection of writings on this subject can be found at If you are not sure where to begin, call Brad at The Arsenal since he is highly familiar with the whole genre.

After you have laid a foundation in the concept of stewardship, then you can explore the downloadable audio clips on our site which deal with specific niche aspects such as cleansing church land, dealing with gates, highways or ancient wells and burden bearing for land.

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3) For those who are well seasoned in issues of cleansing land, you need to focus on the treasures in the land.

Megan has some new teachings on portals which are downloadable from her site at This will give you a big step up in seeing some of the more sophisticated treasures God has given.

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4) If you have found and celebrated the treasures on the land, then your next step is to unpack them.

Our blessings for land could be a resource for this step. Blessing Land Articles.

Take a look at where you fit in the sequence and set aside significant time in this window of opportunity to invest in your land.

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Arthur Burk
June 2011
From the Quarterdeck, in Anaheim

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